Unity visual studio debug not working
Unity visual studio debug not working

unity visual studio debug not working

This video dives into Conditional Breakpoints and how to use them to pause on a line of code at just the right time. Instead, you may want to stop when a player’s health is below a certain value because that’s when you noticed the bug. However, you might find it unhelpful to stop every time that line of code runs. In the first video, we learned about using breakpoints to stop execution when a line of code runs. This video shows you how to save time by testing different values for a variable and watching how code responds in real-time.

unity visual studio debug not working

You could edit the code, press Play in the Unity Editor, read a Debug.Log statement and repeat.

unity visual studio debug not working

Everything looks right! And still the bug persists. You placed breakpoints and inspected variables. Maybe that method for calculating player health isn’t doing exactly what you thought it was… These tools are helpful to understand how code is working so you can verify if it’s behaving as expected. Next, the series walks you through how to use the debugger to inspect variables and data in your game. Learn about breakpoints and how they can help you target in on a specific line of faulty code. However, follow this video to learn how a few basic features of the Visual Studio debugger can save you time. You could start sprinkling Debug.Log statements everywhere to narrow it down. The Unity Console is showing an error and you’re not sure where to start. By the end of the series, you’ll have several techniques in your toolbelt for tackling challenging bugs. Each video starts by highlighting an example problem, how you might solve it today, and then shows how to use Visual Studio and the debugger to solve it. This series focuses on common Unity troubleshooting scenarios and how you can use Visual Studio to find and fix them. So you’re ready to level up your debugging skills with Unity and Visual Studio? Check out our new video series in this playlist: Beginner Series: Intro to Visual Studio Tooling for Unity.

Unity visual studio debug not working